Dry eye syndrome causes distress to many Australians each year. Increased screen time, more exposure to ventilated offices, an ageing population, certain medications, and many other factors have seen an increase in the amount of people troubled by these symptoms.
Dry eye disease usually relates to the poor function of the tear glands around the eyelids.
Treatment of dry eye disease can include the use of eye drops and the use of heat compresses and eyelid cleansing agents in mild to moderate dry eye disease.
In advanced cases, Examination of the health of the tear glands and the level of dry eye is easily measured by our K5 meibographer which is an advanced device used to give a detailed report and tailored plan for dry eye disease.
Advanced dry eye may need the prescription of anti-inflammatory agents and intensed pulse light therapy (IPL).
IPL has been recognised in recent years as the gold standard in advanced evaporative dry eye. The IPL device uses short duration, high energy light to improve gland health and reduce eyelid inflammation, which can create a longer term and more successful treatment for dry eye syndrome.